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Oracle Card Reading

space buddha

Looking for Personalized Guidance from the Divine?

Oracle card readings can provide you with the wisdom and insights you need to move your life forward! In these sessions, you can ask questions about anything in your life- experiences you've had in the past, upcoming decisions to be made, hopes for your future... They can be as vague as

"I feel stuck, where do I go from here?" or as specific as "Should I take this new job offer? What will happen if I do? If I don't?"

Many people ask for insights on their career, love life, health, or spiritual connection; the possibilities are endless.

Our choices in life are complex and multifaceted. There is no "wrong" choice as everything is a learning experience. However, oracle cards can offer information from Spirit & your guides to help guide you in achieving your desired outcome, living in alignment and manifesting your best life.


As an intuitive channel for Spirit, I use oracle cards as a vessel of divination to bring through spiritual support and transformation for your highest benefit. Unlike tarot, there are many different varieties of oracle card decks. Each oracle deck is unique in its medicine- the art on each card and the associated messages and healing. Each deck opens special pathways to understanding and facilitates a reconnection to Mother Earth and to Great Spirit.

I offer various oracle decks to choose from, you may feel immediately drawn to a particular deck of cards or you may desire a spontaneous choice.

These sessions are a deep dive that allow you to experience profound transformation in a loving, supportive container.

mountain sunrise

This is for you if you...

  • want to realign with the universal flow 

  • feel uncertain about your life path

  • desire clarity in decision making

  • are seeking transformation

  • want support in how to move forward

  • feel stuck in your current situation

  • want to deepen your understanding of your life

  • need a safe space to explore what you're experiencing

  • feel trapped in a negative cycle

  • want to strengthen your spiritual connection

  • have trouble receiving intuitive guidance

  • feel disconnected from your soul mission

Oracle options

Types of Readings


"Heather, of Quantum Radiance Healing, gave me an unforgettable experience. The oracle card reading was exactly what I was looking for and opened up my vision. She helped clear dark thoughts, helped with clarity, and forgiveness within myself. Heather was able to provide me with an experience that I could not find until I met with her during our session. Her calm explanations, and her ability to synchronize with me and my thoughts was an incredible experience. Since my oracle card reading my path has never been more clear. It was exactly what I needed. Thank you So Much!"

~ Jim H

Honey Pot Health 

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